Sunday 29 July 2007

How to Entertain Caiden

They start them young now. Caiden is now on the final installment of the Harry Potter series. He flits between this and a quick go on the PSP!
Here he is with his big bro's. Also with 'fairy godmother' Kate. He's 13wks now and weighs about 12lbs

Saturday 28 July 2007

Oh My God!! My Eyes Deceive Me!

Cop a load of this! According to the BBC we will have this weather for the next five days. Fingers crossed. I'm not very hopeful as we have had rain for the last month solid. I'll be spending the first day of sun today re buying, planting and cultivating my herb garden which like my tomatoes and strawberries has been descimated by the rain. Anyway, hope we all get some sun for what's left of the summer.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

My New Brum

I've got my new car, a cool Ka Sport. It's so pretty! Here's my old brum before we left and the new one.

Little Cutie!

I forgot to put this one on the blog from Pwllhelli. Caiden in the bath. He really like having a bath now, he used to hate it. Thought this was so cute.

Monday 23 July 2007

Introducing Keith

After the sad eating of Chapman by a nasty ginger cat, may we introduce our new edition Keith? Here he is investigating his new abode. He's very cute, silver fur, very unusual. Hope he doesn't get munched too. Shouldn't do as we've found a new home for the cage.

Friday 20 July 2007

Our Trip to Pwllhelli

We've been in Pwllhelli this week and had some lovely weather loads of sunshine. We did some fishing (didn't catch anything), walked about and went on the boat. It was Caiden's first real trip to the seaside. He has come on a lot recently. He can hold things in his hand and move it to his face. He really recognises objects and people too as well as the cat. He's started laughing too which is ace. Sounds a bit like a donkey at the mo though. He's loving his papoose rides too.I've put a few pics on today. The beach at Nefyn and Rob with Caiden at Nefyn, Suki enjoying the hose pipe by the caravan and a trip on the boat. Oh yes, and a wake boarder. All in all a lovely week, so glad to be back in the soggy Midlands!

Wednesday 11 July 2007

The Two Sides of Caiden

I know he'll kill me for this when he's older, but I do find Caiden's face when he starts moaning very funny. His bottom lip starts going and he is so good at looking cross. On the other hand he has started laughing a bit too. So I thought I'd put a picture of each on today. He has a cold at the mo so is all snotty and sneezy. Typical, as he was due to have his jabs.

Friday 6 July 2007

The Poor Hammy

Poor Chapman! Yesterday morning we awoke to find Suzy fighting in the lounge with a huge Ginger tom cat. On the floor was the hamster cage, empty! We have failed to find the poor rodent and Rob has been coordinating a search and rescue mission, but it has been called off until dusk, due to nocturnal nature of the rodent in question. We may yet find her as overnight a pile of bedding from her cage was removed and dragged under the sofa. Hopefully we will locate the hamster and can report back with good news soon. Fingers crossed everybody!!

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Daddy's Boy

Sorry blog fans, slacking again. Spent the weekend in Wales at my folks' house. The weather wasn't brilliant so we didn't do much, but it was a nice break. Caiden's well now following his op last week. He was finally allowed a bath last night, thank God, he stank! His scar is healed now and he is also back in the Terry nappies, much better as he is very good at piddling over the top of normal nappies. I took this picture at the weekend of Rob and Caiden having a giggle in the bed. Rob does look a bit crazy, but it made Caiden laugh.