Thursday 23 August 2007

Suzy's New Collar

Following the near miss with Keith the hamster it had been decided that a new cat flap with collar recognition was a good idea to stop all these hobo cats arriving at will in pursuit of the poor rodent. I was not convinced that Suzy would be too keen on wearing a collar, but to my amazement she has been sporting a bright yellow flea collar since yesterday morning and has made no attempt to remove it. If this continues for a week then we may well invest in a new cat flap. Well done puss. Here she is modeling the very latest in flea eradication neck wear.

Monday 20 August 2007

The Amazing Hamster!

Rob got up this morning to find the carnage of broken hamster cage on the floor again with no rodent in sight. He came to wake me and I just couldn't believe it. We'd put the cage on a very high window, that we thought would be too high for a cat to manage. I sat on the floor next to the pile of plastic and sawdust for a few minutes sobbing about poor Keith's fate when to my amazement a little nose came twitching from the upside down toilet section (blue bit at rear of photo). The clever hammy had hidden in there and awaited rescue. He's now back in his cleaned house rearranging his furniture. Clever Keith. Think we're going to have to come up with a plan C now for safe hamster housing.

Sunday 19 August 2007

How sweet

Took this picture this morning of Rob with Caiden. Thought it was very sweet.

Thursday 16 August 2007

The Wanderer Returns

After being missing for nearly a week Suzy has finally made an appearence this morning. I think she came in at about 4am as I thought I'd had a dream about a cat miowing at the door and tapping on it. Like the last time she vanished a few years ago, she's come home stinking of horses, so locked in the stables down the road again I presume. Silly puss. So glad she's home though, we'd just started handing out 'misssing cat' posters yesterday.

Soz not blogged

God I'm so slack with the blog, blame Facebook!! I'm addicted to it. Anyway, Caiden is now 12lb 10. He had a health visitor appointment on Tuesday and she is very happy with him as usual. We had planned to start him on some solids soon, but she's asked us not to yet. Boo hiss. Also, I took him to meet Trevor, G'an and Mike on the Wirral last week. Here is a picture of us with Aunty G'an.

Thursday 2 August 2007

It's the end of the world as we know it!

Just to update, Caiden was weighed on Tuesday and was one oz from 12lbs, so he's probably passed that mark now. He has also managed to roll over once today. I dont think it is time to panic and move everything away from his reach yet though as it did take him ages, but it is a start so he'll soon be on the move! Aagh!! Other updates, we seem to be taken over by ants and flying ants! Horrid things. No matter how quickly I spray them, more arrive, sometimes in the house! Our council have said they charge £50 to come to get rid of them!! We're enjoying the sunshine here, hope you all are too.