Friday 28 December 2007

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Firstly a big thank you to everyone for the cards and gifts. Caiden has really enjoyed his first Christmas and has had some brill things. We went up to Wales on the 22nd and stayed until Christmas day, after dinner of course. On Christmas eve we went out into Bangor and my folks looked after sproggy. Had a great time over the whole trip, including our return last night for a party near Bangor. I've put a few pictures on from the festive season. One of Caiden in his first Stoke City kit we bought for him, one of Caiden and me with my Nana, one of my goose dinner and one of Caiden in his Bumbo chair with his wooden crocodile. Happy Christmas to everyone and a happy new year.

Friday 21 December 2007

Caiden finally meets Lisa and David

My cousin Lisa and her husband David have just been round to visit Caiden. They live so close just outside Stone but we hardly ever meet up. Hopefully we'll try harder in the new year.

Visit to Chez Jackson

Caiden and myself went to my Aunt,Uncle and cousin's house on the Wirral yesterday for a pre Crimbo visit. Their elder son Richard was there too with his daughter Emma. Had a lovely day despite the drive in the ice and fog. Took a picture of Caiden with Emma and one of everyone together.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Caiden's First Curry.............of many

Caiden had his first taste of a real curry for his lunch. Left overs of Rob and my dinner last night. A traditional African butter bean curry. It was spicier than some of my mates will eat it and he really enjoyed it. Here he is polishing off his helping with some cous cous.

Monday 17 December 2007

Something silly yet practical

I discovered today while trying to prepare my lunch that a little used coffee pot makes a great vessel for jugging kippers. And very nice they were too.

Sunday 16 December 2007

Caiden Meets Santa

Just been to the Meynell kids Christmas party. We have to wrap Caiden a little gift for santa to give him. He got a Balamory dvd which is his fave prog on Cbeebies. Had a lovely time with all the other children too and we all got little prezzies from the pub and free food. This would never have happened last year with the old Landlord. The new people are so good to their customers. The older kids who played games even got prezzies too from the pub. Here's Caiden getting his gift and then unwrapping it with me.

Ste's Birthday night at The Meynell

Had a great night out last night at The Meynell for our mate Ste's 30th. There was much rejoicing and karaoke and dancing etc. Had a brilliant night. Just put a few pictures on of the evening of lads doing the karaoke and one of me with Emily and Laura. Caiden spent the night with his Nana and Grandad and slept through like a good boy.

Sunday 9 December 2007

Friends For Dinner

We had two school chums here this weekend, Jennifer and Alex. I made a crumble topped beef pie and some chocolate puddings for afters. Caiden had a nice time too with lots of fuss and attention. Think I probably had a little too much wine as I was feeling a bit ill this morning, but better now and looking forward to my nursery lunch of crispy pancakes with beans. Yum yum, just what the doctor ordered. Took a picture of us last night, I look dreadful, note to self this blue top washes me out something rotten. I like it too.

Friday 7 December 2007

Caiden's First Oatcakes

Thought I'd include a picture of Caiden having his first Staffordshire oatcake meal. He had a blended version of our dinner from last night, baked oatcakes with roasted veg and cheese. He loved it and ate nearly two portions. Can't remember if I mentioned his health visitor appointment already, but he's 15lb 12. At the moment he is transfixed by In the Night Garden on CBeebies. Spoke too soon, he's seen me sitting here and is now complaining.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Caiden visits the reindeer.

We took Caiden to see some reindeer last night at a garden center in Clayton. I did take a picture of him by the enclosure but it didn't come out, so here's a picture of the animals. One was obviously very bored as it was pacing up and down, but they were only there for a few days. Caiden was fascinated by them, think maybe it was the antlers.
Other news, I've got a horrid cold now. Really throaty and nasty, worst one for ages. Hopefully it'll pass before the weekend when we have friends come for a meal on Saturday night.

Saturday 1 December 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree......

We couldn't be bothered waiting so we put up our Christmas tree. Here it is with all my wrapped gifts underneath. It's December, yippee!