Sunday 16 March 2008

Sorry blog fans

Just a very quick post to say big sorry to those who check the blog and have seen nothing for ages. two things really. Firstly for those who don't know I have a job! I'm teaching full time at a 'lovely' school in Abbey Hulton in Stoke. Those of you who know Abbey Hulton will know why the lovely is in inverted commas! Also we have computer issues so we're only online via Rob's laptop which my camera is not installed on so bit of a pain for uploading pictures. Anyway, hope you're all well and I'll try to get some blogging done in the hols.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Just News Again

Well after 5 days of my new full time job in Abbey Hulton I'm off for the rest of this week as Caiden is still not better and has been advised to stay away from nursery for the week. He's still got an awful cough and another cold on top. He'll hopefully be feeling better soon with some days at home. I've put a picture on of half a plate of the Tunisian meal from yesterday. It was an egg based beef and bean pie kind of thing with spicy parsnips. Very yummy actually. We forgot to take a picture until half way through.