Sunday 25 February 2007

Baby room update

I know this may be boring news to some but here's the update on the baby room. We got up very early today, for a Sunday, and began ripping the carpet out and stripping all the horrible spongy wallpaper off. It took nearly all day really. Rob has also now fillered the holes in the wall and they will be ready to sandpaper tomorrow. We went for a trip to Homebase and I chose a beige ish coloured paint for the walls. I thought that would be the best base colour really for painting a woodland scene onto the walls. Suzy was trying to help us but decided that the lure of our bed was stronger and spent nearly all day under the blanket snoozing.

Saturday 24 February 2007

Rob's new toy

Here is Rob's new toy. He sold his coupe and bought this Discovery at the weekend. It's great fun, pretty economical really as you can chose whether to have it in 4X4 or not. Will be great for fitting everyone and a baby seat in. The boys love the seats in the boot, just like I did when my Dad had a Discovery when I was 10 ish.

Monday 19 February 2007

Kanoute's feeling better.

We got back to Ashley to find Kanoute looking much better. He'd obviously tried to escape a few times but he looks well and has been eating all his tablets like a good boy. When I went in he even let me stroke him and then began rolling over and playing with a catnip sock. He has since evn let Rob stroke him, which is amazing as he was terrified of men.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Still Llanfair

Here are the boys Dylan and Zebedee trying to explain to my Mum that the chair is not hers. They are huge cats, must be the plentiful supply of fresh Welsh rabbits they can catch to supplement their diet!

In Llanfair for the weekend

We have come up to Wales for the weekend to spend a few nights at my parents house in Llanfairfechan. The weather was lovely this morning but is now very dull. Boo hiss. Not doing much exciting. Rob and my dad have settled into the lazyboy chairs to watch the footie for the afternoon. Anyway, here's the house in the sunshine for those who've not been and also the view. very lucky really to have grown up with this!

Thursday 15 February 2007

He does manange to relax on his towel for a bit.

Sickly stray cat

Any of you who've been here a few times may have met Kanoute. He's a stray cat who visits everyday for some food outside, or inside if it's cold and wet. He turned up last night after a three day absence with one of his front paws split open and his face all cut. After lots of phone calls and a trip to a vet he's currently in the spare room on a strict course of antibiotics. He has to stay inside for a good few days, which he is not best pleased about. He's already started using the carpet as a loo. Oh well at least we hadn't started any major work on the baby room! Poor puss!

Monday 12 February 2007

Baby update

Went for a midwife appointment on Friday morning and had a glowing report. Same old story with the blood pressure, very low. She seems to find is very funny that someone with 'high blood pressure' writen on the family history report has blood pressure of 90/44. Everything fine, right size, shape etc. In the afternoon, before the snow, we went to the hospital for me to have alovely anti-d jab, which all rhesus negative expectant mothers have incase the baby has a positive blood. It hurt and left a bruise, boo hiss. I hate needles. Oh well, nevermind at least it's done. I dont have any pictures for this post, needle hole blood etc, so you'll have to imagine it. Next midwife appointment is in early March and will mainly be concerning writing my birth plan for the hospital, what I want and dont want etc. Will update again soon.

Friday 9 February 2007

Here are Matthew and Kieran with their Christmas PSPs.
This is Dylan one of my folks' cats enjoying a game of crib.

Just thought I'd include a picture of my bunny Louie who resides in the porch of my parents house in Wales. He's a grumpy old man now, who's main pleasure in life is growling at the cats and anyone who tries to clean him out.

Weather forcast is great. Total Michael Fish moment here this evening. We were forcast heavy snow on Thursday morning and we had light snow and sleet. Today we were forcast sleet and rain and this is what happened. We were caught in Newcastle Under Lyme in it, a 15min journey ended up taking us well over an hour. No grit on even the main road!


The back patio and tree debris with Suzy's bottom sticking out from the bottom.

Just for the record, here is Chapman the hamster when not in her ball tormenting the cat. Named Chapman in honour of our quiz team at the time who wrote chapman when an answer was not known. So when we couldn't think of a name, there was only one choice!
Here are Team C, Clancy, Sally, Joe and Katie. I think Sally was actually in Team A and Jude was in this team, but nevermind.

Here are team B, Kate A, Mendez and Paul.N, minus the drunken Paul Ellis who was at this point lying in the back garden. How did you cope Kate?

Team A, the victors in the quiz. Ginnie, Rene and Julie with the Hamster Chapman helping too from her ball on the floor. Thankfully she was not used as a football this time.

Here are Jude, Ginnie, Clancy and Joe. I'm not sure what they're laughing at and also how Rob is in the background, as he took all the pictures?

Bethan's Birthday Party

I had a birthday party with a quiz on the 3rd Feb. I had a great time, I hope everyone else did. The curry and the koftas seemed to go down well. Here are a few of the pictures. Anyone who was there feel free to add comments, within reason!! This first one is of Quiz Mistress Bethan toasting herself by the fire.

Monday 5 February 2007

Here's Rob with his two boys Matthew and Kieran standing on a hill just outside Pwllhelli. Sadly they are also both Man U fans, I'll show um the Spurs way!!
This feathered owl was made by some of the children I work at the club with and will be part of the woodland theme in the baby room. It was on the wall at the school but it inspired the theme so I decided to bring it home.

For those of you who know my house, here's the spare room on Sunday night after the awful 70s fitted bed and shelves were ripped out in prep' for the baby room. I hadn't realised what a spacious room this is, what a waste of space those fitted things are. Going for a woodland theme on the walls for the baby. I'll update on my painting progress.

This is our house, well bungalow in Staffs.
Cant have a Blog without a picture of my wonderful puss cat Suzy. She's reclining in Brett's newspaper after shreading it on his and Kate's table! Naughty puss.

Rob and me at his work Christmas do. I think he was half way through his body weight of wine at the time!!

Sunday 4 February 2007

This is me with Hannah from school displaying our baby bumps at a school reunion type do in Wales before Christmas. She's exactly one month behind me in dates.
Sprog at 20 weeks. This is the scan that confirmed that he was a boy, but we thought it unlikely to be anything else as Rob does seem incapable of producing girls!!

This is the sprog at 12weeks

Welcome to my blog

Hello everyone, this is my blog, which will be following the developments of our baby and the baby-proofing of our house. Happy viewing.