Sunday 29 April 2007

Caiden's Great Grandma Joan

We went to visit my Nana on the way back from Llanfair. Caiden is her second great grandchild. Here we are in her kitchen with my Ma.

New bro for the boys

Here are Kieran and Matthew with Caiden last week. They seem to be pleased with him, which is good as we cant take him back. They didn't get to see him for long but they'll get a better chance in the week.

Friday 27 April 2007

The Grim Reaper

We're in llanfair at the mo visiting my folks and getting the Landrover serviced. My Mum pointed out to me last night that my old goldfish who is now 23yrs old, has lost an eye. He is transparent eyeless and quite frankly the most disturbing looking goldfish in the world. I think he's on the way out as he spends 90% of the time resting at the bottom of the tank. Well he's had a good innings!

Mortimer Sleep Pose

Apparently it is a Mortimer triat to sleep like this so it's staying in the family for the time being. This is Caiden reclining with a full tummy.

Caiden and Rob

Took this last night when Rob was trying to entertain Caiden to give me a rest. Thought it was so cute!

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Caiden again

As a few of you know Caiden was had very bad jaundice and had to go to the special care unit and go in a lit incubator for a while. Hence why it has taken me so long to write up the blog. We came out of hospital today, so he's now a massive 5 days old! Here are two pics of him one in his bed with his Tangoman skin and the other of the poor sod with his jaundice lights and sunglasses on. He hated it so much in there, screamed for hours! He earned the name Farmer Caiden in the unit as his nurse came in to find he'd sprayed himself and thousands of pounds worth of incubator equipment in poo. He was quite famous when he left. Good lad!

Caiden Samuel Mortimer

Here is the little bundle at about an hour old. He was born at 10am on Friday 20th weighing 6lbs. I had a water birth in the end as half way through labour my back just gave in and wouldn't support me let alone contractions. It is quite odd seeing a baby floating about in the water without drowning. But to be honest I was too knackered to attempt a rescue!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Baby Update

Just to let everyone know that the baby is obviously getting bored of womb life and has decided that he wants to come out soon. Minor contractions started on Tuesday evening and have progressed on and off since. Currently seizing up in agony about every 10 minutes so not an emergency yet. Will try to keep updated but obviously not going to be able to update on the blog from hospital. Aagh, here comes another......oooo over. Dont like it, ouch!
They could all stop again and be a week or so, but fingers crossed it doesn't as I have to say I'm a bit fed up now.

Bye Bye Bunny!

Poor King Louie has popped his clogs at the grand old age of 8 ish. He's been buried at my folks house next to the old puss cat Marmalade. Hopefully the other cats wont try to dig him up like they did Marmalade! As many of you know Louie was a house rabbit who has spent most of his life living the high life in my folks' porch, his own little penthouse with ensuit facilities and servant service. His penchant for stripping wallpaper lead to the room being tiled from the bottom up. Even though he was a bit of a pain sometimes, I'm sure my parents will miss him, he certainly was a character. Stroppy to the end and afraid of nothing, especially the cats, who he would chase off if disturbed. Bye bye bunny!

Monday 16 April 2007

Cannock Chase in the Sunshine

What a lovely weekend! Hope everyone got as much sun as we did. Managed to get out on Saturday to Cannock Chase with Kieran and Matthew. After a picnic they played footie with Rob while I had a rest.
We've also been lucky enough to have two bbqs, one on Saturday evening and one last night on our own new bbq.
The sun's been great for the new editions to the back garden, two tomato plants and two strawberry ones. Yummy yummy.
The tadpoles are outside now in a new tub, a picture will follow. Some of them have huge legs now, but their tails have not shrunk yet. I'm sure they're not called tails but you'll know what I mean.
Two pictures today of the trip to Cannock Chase.

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Thought I'd just add a picture of Suzy in her new favourite spot. Thankfully this car seat, given to us by my cousin Lisa will not be used immediately. Suzy has decided that a child's car seat is the very height of cat sleeping luxury. She spends at least 12 hours in there a day. You can even pick it up with her asleep in it! Silly puss.
Here's Rob's nephew Liam enjoying some Spag Bol.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Baby Update

Went for a hospital appointment this morning. Had a scan again and the baby is approx' 6lb 2 at the mo and the sonographer (not sure how to spell that) said he prob wouldn't get much bigger now. He's engaged into the pelvis so not long to go.

Tadpole update- They've got legs! No picture as they are not easy to take photos of now as they're all hiding under the greenery and the rock.

Saturday 7 April 2007

I've just been to meet Brannigan, Rob's Mum's horse. He's very handsom. Here he is munching some carrots.


We went down to Ironbridge for the day yesterday to meet up with my parents who are staying there for a few days. We walked about in the sunshine and had some lovely grub at a local pub. Here's Rob and my parents at the bridge. My parents are going for the 'how touristy can we be' look.

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Found it, drawn it, painted it. That's the last animal on the wall. Going to put my big feathered owl somewhere too but we're not sure where yet and if he'll need a branch to sit on.
Should have just waited really to take this picture. Just done the fox and the squirrel. Dont look too bad. Bit slap dash maybe. Want a badger too but am yet to find a suitable outline.

Baby Room Wall

Just painted the tree on the wall. It was actually quite easy to paint and the messier the paint strokes the more tree like the finish. I've got the fox to do next, but as you can see in the picture Suzy is having a snooze in the car seat, thankfully we've not given this one a clean yet so I'll let her sleep for a bit. Anyway, it's my lunch time so she's got about an hour yet. Silly puss.

Monday 2 April 2007

General Things

Thought I'd just put a general diary entry today as nothing much has progressed in the baby/baby room front. Except I've drawn on the outlines of a tree, a fox and a squirrel. Not sure about the squirrel, he's a bit odd looking. We borrowed an OHP from Ginnie's school for the easter hols and I printed the outlines onto slides to project onto the wall. I need to paint them now.
Put two pictures up today. One of the huge tadploes, some are massive but still no legs coming, and one of my little mini greenhouse. It's my little piece of organisation in the completely unorganised back garden. I've got lots of herbs in there, rosemary, thyme, lovage, oregano, sage etc, want to get them big before I plant them out and start using them. I also bought a Catnep plant which Suzy is already eyeing up. Hopefully will have some fun with that when it's grown a bit. Send the cat into a frenzy. Anyone who's not played with real catnep with their cat should do, it's very amusing.