Sunday 23 September 2007

Wilease Woger

Suzy brought us a lovely little rodent last night.I thought he was at deaths door but decided to put him in a cardboard box with some hamster food and a bit of bedding. We left him to it over night and in the morning he'd made a full recovery so he was released. Here he is in the morning having made a lovely nest.

Wednesday 19 September 2007

My posh lunch

I decided to make myself something posh today, so when I went to the market I bought some huge prawns, they were so fresh and yummy looking. I had them with a warm potato and spinach salad with garlic mayo and organic toms! Yum yum, if I do say so myself.

Tuesday 18 September 2007


Here's Caiden this morning after his breakfast. He had some stewed plum, which he liked, but was not overly keen on. Anyway, the main issue is what happens when plums are mixed with babies. A large mess is what happens! It looks like I've been attacking him! Everything else ok with Caiden at the mo. He loves his food and only seems to dislike Cauliflower so far. His fave is banana and carrot with garlic. He does love garlicy things, like his parents.

Wednesday 12 September 2007


Here's Caiden after his lunch today, no need to say it had carrot in! It was actually a jar, when he had some last night he was not very impressed so I grated a bit of garlic in this time and it went down better. He had managed to cover himself in it though.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Food Time

It was decided at 5am that after another restless night for Caiden it was time to give him a go with something more solid. So out came the baby rice this morning. Overall it was a success. He didn't have much but what he did have he seemed to enjoy. There was quite a lot of grinning anyway. I'll give him a bit more with his lunch time milk too. Here he is after his first ever helping of solids.

Sunday 9 September 2007

One of those situations

Just a quick blog to report an incident from last night which was one of those situations where you have no idea what to do! Caiden was asleep in his basket and I was just off to bed. I came into the bedroom to check on him and found him snoring with a huge ( I do mean huge) house spider sitting on his head. In my silly mode I decided that the best thing to do was grab my camera but when I returned, the spid had scuttled to the other end of the basket. I decided to abandon the photo opportunity and try to remove it. He did at least 6 laps of the basket, pursued by my hands before whizzing up the wall. He was finally trapped in a glass and released. Caiden slept through the whole thing.

Saturday 8 September 2007

Suzy's Sleeping Bag

Suzy has decided that as Kieran and Matthew's sleeping bags have been put away, she needs here own. Fortunately she has stumbled across this perfect cat shaped bag, ideal for quiet snoozing and generally baby avoidance. The handle secures around the neck to prevent loss of bag in the event of sudden movement.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Caiden's New Toy

A huge thank you to Aunty G'an and Uncle Trevor for this brill high chair for Caiden. It's great for when we're having dinner and anytime I suppose. Can't believe he's now big enough for the high chair, time flies.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

A Few Bits

Once again I'm so slack with this blog! Caiden is now about 14lbs and is nearly 5 months old, so only month until curry for the baby! The health visitor said once he's past 6 months don't be silly with the food, try him with everything including curry and chili etc. Well we'll give it a go. Suzy is still wearing her collar with pride and has made no attempt to remove it. Think I'll start pricing up these collar activated catflaps. that hamster eating ginger tom cat keeps waiting outside for Suzy, poor puss. She does give as good as she gets though. Anyway, she's obviously not doing her job as this little bugger ran across the lounge carpet while I was changing a nappy. He was very sweet but I decided to let him go rather than keep him. Also we went up to Pwllhelli with Rob's boys for a few days, had fun despite the weather being a bit poo. We did take some pictures but I cant find my camera so you'll have to wait. Ooo the excitement!!