Monday 1 October 2007

Kate's Birthday

We have spent the weekend at Kate's for her birthday party. It had a 90s theme and I dressed as Madonna. Rob bought a Nirvana t shirt and some black combats and a pack of glow sticks. Caiden was a bit of a pest as his lunch had disagreed with him and he spent the evening throwing up and crying. Obviously not his fault really. We all had a great time except on Sunday morning when I had to don the rubber gloved and unblock Kate's toilet u bend as someone had stuffed a whole quilted loo roll in it! They had also smeared sick all over the bathroom. Lovely these house parties! Anyway a good time was had by all. here's me in my Madonna gear. I didn't take any pictures so I got this one from a mate. Caiden is still loving his solids, the faves at the mo' are banana for brekkie and sweet potato for dinner (with garlic of course)!

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