Wednesday 27 June 2007

Morning After

Well, he actually had a really good night last night. He fell asleep at 10.30 and woke up at 6 this morning and that was only due to him kicking his blanket off. He's had a good day too, lots of smiles and a lot less whinging. I took this picture of him this morning having a wriggle on his mat.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Caiden's Op Update

Caiden had his hernia operation this morning and it went well. He has a small dressing to show for it. He's home now and is a bit grumpy to be honest but I suppose it's to be expected. Dont think we're going too have a very good night. Here he is after the operation with his drip in his hand. he finally excepted a dummy too, but I'm not keen to keep that up. I dont really like dummies.

Tuesday 19 June 2007

General Update

Well, sorry blog fans, I've been a bit slack with the blog for a week or two. Caiden is fine but he has a hernia and will be having an operation next Tuesday. It will be great fun when we cant feed him for about 5 hours! He'll love that. We've got a health visitor appointment at 1.30 so he'll be weighed later. I'm guessing he's about 10lbs now. I've taken this picture of him this morning, looking angelic. Two minutes later he was screaming for his breakfast. Hope you're all well. More updates soon hopefully.

Sunday 10 June 2007

Silly Roofus

Just remembered, I was going to put this ppicture on too of Roofus in the back garden after a successful cat flap demolition exercise. It's a bit blured but you get the idea!

This and That

Firstly, a big get well soon to the Mortimer family hound Roofus who decided that eating a nail was a good idea and has now undergone surgery. Silly pooch.
The othe pic today is of the crowd at Cadwaladers having yummy ice creams. I had a scoop of peach and one of melon and ginger. Yummy yummy. Rob, for some reason left me out of the picture.
Today, the three of us went to Llangollen. We wandered about in the sunshine and watched crazy scousers jump off the bridge! Nutters!
Caiden is doing fine. Still suffering with colic, especially in the evenings. He's had a new toy, a swinging chair. He loves it if he's already dozy, but screams his head off if he's not in the mood.
He successfully managed to poo all over me on Saturday. I had clean jeans on too. About a pint of baby squits came hurtling out of the side of his nappy and all over me and Rob's folks' sofa! Whoops. Naughty baby! Rob did take a picture of me covered but it didn't come out. I'm actually quite glad it didn't.

Friday 8 June 2007

Little Cutie

Thought this was so cute. He's really smiling now and loves nothing better than a good wriggle while naked on a mat.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Mmmm.... cake!

Check out our pud for this eve! Rob's Mum's sponge cake with strawberries from the farm down the road and clotted cream! Cant wait until pud time! Jealous?

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Ouch it hurts

Here is my poor eye this morning after a reaction to something. I had my normal hayfever drops as usual first thing and then something must have irritated them, well one eye anyway. I went to the pharmacy with my drops in hand and he told me to buy this really expensive bottle of new drops to fix the problem. Bollocks did it! I put these new drops in and my whole eye swelled up and I felt like I'd been punched. I turned up at the doctors and after the "jesus that looks sore" reaction, she prescribed me some stieroid drops. I know its not very interesting but I thought I'd share the pain. Still dont know what caused the problem, bloody hayfever season! It probably dosen't look too bad in the picture, but I couldn't blink until this evening and it had streamed so much my eye lashes were all salty!
On the baby front, he's still colicy, but he had a hospital appointment today and the doctor said he was great and would not have to come back. This was a follow up to his jaundice. He's now 9lb 4. Also, I'll just say a 'congrats' to Hannah on the birth of her baby Alice!

Sunday 3 June 2007

One more thing

Totally silly I know, but cop a load of the dandelion from the back garden! It's huge!

Lots of stuff

Been up to Llanfairfechan again this weekend to go to Kate and Danny's wedding reception. It was a lovely evening and Kate's dress was stunning. It was held in a wonderful hotel near Llanrwst. I've put on a picture of the couple and the view from the terrace. Also there is a picture of Caiden in his wedding outfit, a wonderful smock suit made for him by Kate Airey's mum, big thank you for that! Today before we left Llanfair, we took Caiden for his first walk on the beach. My dad did take some pics of us on the sand but they've not come out so the one on here is of Dad, Rob and Caiden walking by the sea wall.

Friday 1 June 2007

Good baby work Caiden

I dont want to get too excited, but Caiden slept through from 11pm until gone 6am! I could get used to this. Giving him formula milk in the evenings works a treat! I'll probably come back tomorrow after 20mins sleep now, but at least we know he can sleep through. Well done baby!