Sunday 27 January 2008

Weekend in Wales

We've been up to Llanfairfechan this weekend just for a visit before my birthday. Not much news except we went up in our courtesy car, a lovely new VW SUV. Caiden had his first beef roast dinner, which he loved. We also had a go with a new papoose. He liked it to start with but did have a good old grump after a while. Put a picture of Rob with the papoose and my folks and also one fo Caiden after his first roast beef dinner.

Friday 25 January 2008

I'm the Queen of the Castle

I had my first day back teaching yesterday doing a days supply in Childs Ercall, a tiny little village school with 9 Key Stage 2 children in my class. Had a lovely day, but when I returned home I found the land rover with a very bashed bonnet and smashed lights. The roofing man who has been taking an eternity to finsh some work on our gutters parked his van at the top of the drive, the hand brake went and it rolled down the drive into poor landy. Bloody idiot, so angry with him as he was probably also responsible for the two nails that went through the tyres of landy before Christmas. Anyway, he's a picture of the beast and also one of Suzy on her throne of washing.

Sunday 20 January 2008

Bath Time

We bought a bath seat from a car boot today to try out. As it was only £2 we thought' what the heck, we'll give it a whirl'. He wasn't sure but it was great for bath time, a lot easier on the back anyway.

Full English please!

Here's Caiden having his first 'full English' for his lunch. He loved it. He had bacon, sausage, a little piece of egg, beans, tomato, mushrooms and even a little piece of toast. Obviously not a regular baby meal but he loved it all the same.

Friday 18 January 2008

Brush brush red stripe, blue stripe, white.....

Just taken this of Caiden brushing his tooth. He seemed to really enjoy it and liked the milk tooth toothpaste. I bought him a toothbrush today as his first tooth came through a little a few days ago. It's on the bottom front but the two top front teeth are on their way too. Hope he continues to like the toothbrush!

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Poor Puss

Just thought I'd put this picture on I've just taken. I heard the cat flap go and knew Suzy was snoozing so went to check it was Kanoute. It is bucketing down outside and he's soaked! He's now tucking into some breakfast and will probably spend the day in his box having a good wash and a snooze.
We had a Maltese meal last night for our weekly trip around the world. We were supposed to have Slovakia, but I failed to find anything practical without offal in, which none of us are very keen on. We had some beef olives last night stuffed with egg, bacon and parsley in a tomato sauce. It was very yummy. I'm afraid I forgot to take a picture again. However I did take a picture last week of the Malaysian meal, a traditional curry with turkey and coconut so you can see that instead. Next week we're having The Gambia so I'll try to remember a picture.

Saturday 12 January 2008

Sorry for Delay Blog Fans

Right where to start? Well, 'Happy New Year' to you all firstly with lots of love especially to my Aunt, Uncle and cousin after the loss of Mike who Caiden and I visited just before Christmas. To be honest what with this bad news and Caiden being poorly, new year has not been great so far, but fingers crossed for an improvement asap. Caiden had tonsillitis after new year and had to be on antibiotics he has then had this nasty bug and spent a few days bringing up everything and ejecting brown water from the other end. Joyous as you can imagine. He's now just started back on milk and some solid and so far has kept it down. Think he's lost some weight but I'm sure he'll put it back on soon, he is naturally greedy after all. I've put two pictures on today, one of Caiden with Rob that Mendez took at Christmas and one of Caiden last night after his first bit of milk in ages.