Saturday 12 January 2008

Sorry for Delay Blog Fans

Right where to start? Well, 'Happy New Year' to you all firstly with lots of love especially to my Aunt, Uncle and cousin after the loss of Mike who Caiden and I visited just before Christmas. To be honest what with this bad news and Caiden being poorly, new year has not been great so far, but fingers crossed for an improvement asap. Caiden had tonsillitis after new year and had to be on antibiotics he has then had this nasty bug and spent a few days bringing up everything and ejecting brown water from the other end. Joyous as you can imagine. He's now just started back on milk and some solid and so far has kept it down. Think he's lost some weight but I'm sure he'll put it back on soon, he is naturally greedy after all. I've put two pictures on today, one of Caiden with Rob that Mendez took at Christmas and one of Caiden last night after his first bit of milk in ages.

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