Thursday 28 February 2008

Quickie Bloggie

Just a very quick update. My teaching post is a bit pants as the school is poo and the kids are bloody awful, and that's being kind. Caiden's not doing brilliantly so far full time at nursery. Getting quite weepy and not settling, but I'm sure he'll be fine after a week or so. Landy is back in the drive now and the posh VW suv has gone back. I've put a picture on today of Caiden before his first day at nursery with his Balamory bag (Ebay bargain) and one of my first Mother's Day card with Caiden's hand prints that he's made at nursery. Last day of the week at school tomorrow thank God. Can't wait for the weekend.

Sunday 24 February 2008

Things on the up, I hope!

I've put a picture on of Rob with the Landy as it was being fixed at the Land Rover garage in Llanfair. The guy here has said the limited damage will cost about £600 to repair, the insurance company said £3600! Slight difference. He also said though that he was sure that no one had even attempted to open the bonnet so their quote was based on no evidence. We'll hopefully have it back next week some time, all mended and back on the drive.
Caiden is feeling much better after his cold and throat infection. Finally, I've been offered a long term supply teaching post in Stoke. It's not at a very good school and is year one but still, should be a good experience. Will hopefully start on Tuesday depending on Caiden's nursery place being sorted. Had a good weekend in Wales despite the poo weather. We'll hopefully be popping up there for Matthew's birthday in early March too.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Bits and Bobs

Still no end to Landy situation so will update on that when I know more. Caiden's been poorly again with more tonsillitis, he ended up seeing a paediatrician yesterday and has full strength penicillin, which is already working. I've put two pictures up today, one of Suzy in the cabinet drawer and one of our Mauritius meal of chicken with mint, ginger and various other bits, a Mauritian salad and some rice. We're mid way through a house re-wire, hence the mess in the Suzy picture, but its going well and should be done by Friday hopefully.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Caiden's alternative seating arrangements

I really don't know why we bothered asking for the Bumbo seat for Christmas for Caiden to watch TV in. If we'd known we could have just done with the washing basket. He loves sitting in it. It was quite funny when he finally tried to get out, it tipped up and he rolled out backwards. he probably wouldn't have cried had he not seen us.
Landrover update, still a bit poo, trying to resolve the write off valuation as they've offered a pants price. We're hoping that the guy we bought it from keeps up the good work and can fix it for us under the insurance as he thinks he can do it for a lot less than we've been told by the insurance company.
Also, the fish have officially been named. Rob has called him Timmy, which any South Park fan will know, has to be shouted and sounds more like 'Timaaaaghh'. My fish is called Padstein after the locals name for Padstow after Rick Stein's takeover of the resort with fish eateries.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Just News

Just put a picture of our latest 'around the world' meal which was Swaziland, it was a sweet beef pie with a eggy topping. Next week we have Mauritius. Caiden is on anitbiotics again with another bout of tonsillitis. So fun all round with him. Also the poor landy has been written off after that plonker (want a stronger word but must keep blog edited) smashed into it. Poor landy. Hopefully there will be a solution because the predicted settlement money is pretty pants.

Sunday 10 February 2008

Caiden's New Friends

Here are our two new friends as yet unnamed. Will let all you blog fans know when the naming ceremony will take place, I'm sure you're all very excited!

Saturday 9 February 2008

Trip to the Burntwood

We went up to the Burntwood today in the winter sunshine to walk the three doggies with Kieran, Matthew,Ginnie, Liam, Anna and Derrick. Took a few pictures. Here's Suki the wonder dog acting like a greyhound, Rufus and Rosie in the stream, Rob with Caiden in the papoose and Liam and then Suki at high spped with everyone following. Had a lovely walk, will have to go ack soon. Other news, Caiden now has nearly two teeth. He's being a bit of a pain at night what with waking up at 2am most nights and having to sleep in our bed a lot. But I think it's mainly teething trouble and he'll hopefully grow out of it. Kanoute's on the mend I think, not that he lets me examine his paw. He's not keen on the garage and going in there without him escaping is tough at times. We think he'll be realeased outside tomorrow morning after his antibiotic laced breakfast. Right I'm off to bed, I'm full of cold and need a snooze. Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Join the 'Chicken Out' campaign!!

Poorly Puss and Nursery Time for Caiden

Well as you can see Kanoute's back in the house recovering from his latest injury. He'd been away for a week and turned up this afternoon with one very bloody foot. We took him to Suzy's vet and registered him and he's dislocated his claw. He's now on antibiotics and is shut in the garage for the next few days. Hopefully he'll be better soon. Caiden is, as you can see, lifting himself up onto his feet. He's also just been for his first day at nursery and loved it. The staff said they'd had lots of fun with him and he'd really enjoyed the toys and the company of the other babies.

Sunday 3 February 2008

My Birthday Party

Had a good weekend with lots of friends here. I made some food and we all drank far too much, but all good fun. Did a quiz again, which went well, it was slightly unfair as the team that won were picked at random to be a team, like the others, but they happened to be four of the most intellegent people here. We had 23 in all to feed, it would have been 29 had 6 people not had to pull out at last minute with stomach bugs, but I'd rather that than bring the bug to the party to share. Had some lovely chocolates, 5 bottles of Champagne and some other bits and bobs. Rob bought me a new Le Creuset pot and some of my fave perfume. Just put a few pictures on from the night of the winning team on the sofa, quiz host me, Rhi, Damo and me and another team at the dining table. Thank you to everyone who came and also to all of you who sent cards and gifts.