Saturday 9 February 2008

Trip to the Burntwood

We went up to the Burntwood today in the winter sunshine to walk the three doggies with Kieran, Matthew,Ginnie, Liam, Anna and Derrick. Took a few pictures. Here's Suki the wonder dog acting like a greyhound, Rufus and Rosie in the stream, Rob with Caiden in the papoose and Liam and then Suki at high spped with everyone following. Had a lovely walk, will have to go ack soon. Other news, Caiden now has nearly two teeth. He's being a bit of a pain at night what with waking up at 2am most nights and having to sleep in our bed a lot. But I think it's mainly teething trouble and he'll hopefully grow out of it. Kanoute's on the mend I think, not that he lets me examine his paw. He's not keen on the garage and going in there without him escaping is tough at times. We think he'll be realeased outside tomorrow morning after his antibiotic laced breakfast. Right I'm off to bed, I'm full of cold and need a snooze. Hope everyone is well.

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