Thursday 29 March 2007

Baby Update

Right, slight change from Monday. Just been for another scan, actually two, and the information given on Monday was a result of human error. It has now been determined that the baby is over 6lbs now and is fine. The hospital were not keen to admit human error but it's either that or the baby has grown over 2lbs in weight within 72 hours! We don't have to go for an appointment now until a week on Tuesday rather than a check up every other day. Naughty hospital trying to scare us silly.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

At least I know that when alone Suzy is always here to look after me. She does insist on being close! Here she is after getting in bed with me and even utilising the pillow! Cheeky puss!
Here's Rob's nephew Liam enjoying a chocolate biscuit a bit too much.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Also on the Tadpole Front

The tadpoles are doing well now. They are approx' 20 of them and a few are huge. They enjoy their diet of rain water and cat biscuits. Here they are a few days ago, shading in their green stuff.

Baby Update

Lots to update on today. On Friday I went for a midwife appointment and she said she was a bit worried about the size of the baby. He seemed a bit small and had not grown much since her last visit. So on Monday we went to the hospital for another scan and a consultant appointment. They said that he was a bit small and even if he went to full term he'd probably be under 6lbs. We were fine about that as I was a little baby at 5lb 2. The bit that was a shock was that if by next Monday he has not improved I'd be induced! So that would be a baby in a week then! Panic stations has resulted in the baby room being finished and my hospital bag being done and sat by the front door. I've posted 2 pictures today, one of the room with moses basket, futon, carpet etc and one of our little collection of shoes. They are soooo cute! Don't think he'll need them straight away but they are very sweet.

Thursday 22 March 2007

Sunny weather

It been so sunny here the last few days, very cold but really sunny. We went up to Podmore Lake which is not far from the house. Just lots of quacks really, but they were all camera shy and were bathing at the other side.

Tadpoles are still going, getting bigger now, I think we may have as may as 15 but it's hard to count.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

General update

Just thought I'd add a blog entry to mock our silly hamster. Got up this morning and found Kanoute the stray cat asleep in the lounge, the water bottle hanging off the hamster cage and no one in at Hammy Towers! "Oh crap!" I thought. I was convinced that Kanoute (or Suzy) would have munched the poor sod. Over an hour later and after a hunt behind every piece of furniture in the house, I found a small pile of carefully placed cat biscuits in the corner. So she had been somewhere at least. I then decided to have a peak under the sofa and saw the trembling rodent cowering in the middle. Shaking like a leaf she eventually ventured out and I captured her in a tube. She's spent the whole day and evening sleeping her adventure off.

Staying on the animal theme, Kanoute's hurt his foot again. What will we do with him. Think I'll have to take him to the vet again. He is a pain.

I've stopped work now until at least September so I'll have to start 'nesting' as they call it. We will be getting the carpet for the baby room this week so once that's in I'll get some more jobs done.

Monday 19 March 2007

Snow again!

Woke up this morning to find it had snowed again. Poor Rob has to go to work, one of the problems with having a Landrover. Dont know what it's like for the rest of you, but we had quite a bit and I think there's more on the way judging by the cloud. Should have guessed it had snowed as Suzy got on the bed at 3am completely soaked telling me a very long story.

Sunday 18 March 2007

Tadpole Update

Just for all of you who are really bothered. We got back the afternoon and ....... "They're Alive!" (Brian Blessed Flash Gordon voice required). All swimming about, hopefully that's the end of the dying on mass trend.

Wales for the weekend

Just been to Pwllhelli with the boys. The weather was crazy. Last night it was so windy I did think the caravan was going to blow over at about 3am. Took these pictures on the way back when we stopped at a small beach just outside Caernarfon. It was extreamly windy there are the waves were huge, I'm not sure if these pictures do it justice. The sea was like a real killing machine to look at, no way you'd survive if you got swept out.

On the way back from Pwllhelli we stopped in Llandudno. It was very cold and windy. When we left the heavens opened and we drove part of the way home in blizzard like conditions. I'd not been to Llandudno as a tourist before. I used to work there and all the visitors milling around and coming in the cafe used to drive me mad. It did feel a bit strange taking photos there like any other tourist.

Also, just on a slightly sad note, anyone who knows my bunny Louie (who features in the blog earlier), he's had a probable stroke and is now a rabbit version of the leaning tower of Pisa. Seemed quite jolly considering and lapped up some fuss. Hopefully he's got some time left in him. He's 8 now so maybe a bit longer!!

Friday 16 March 2007

Tadpole Situation Crisis!

Woke this morning to find that out of about 200 tadpoles, only 10 were still alive. I'd decided last night that I'd change their water this morning but it was too late, they'd all died in the night. Gutted. Oh well, we've got about 10 now swimming about in some nice fresh rain water. Some quite big so fingers crossed we can get a few frogs yet. Will put a picture of them up when they get a bit bigger, I know you're all dying to see them!! How exciting it must be for you all!!

Thursday 15 March 2007

Tadpole Update

Here are the tadpoles coming along nicely. They have been transfered to a larger tub with a stone for shade. I read on the internet to feed them cat biscuits so that's handy. Suzy is fascinated by them and sits watching for ages. Silly puss. Some of the tadpoles are a lot larger than others. I'll start collecting water in the wheelbarrow this weekend for their release. Think we'll keep them inside until they're all proper tadpole size incase of a sudden cold spell. Might be a bit of a squeeze though as they are well over 100 in this tub!

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Mucky Puss

Just taken this picture of silly Suzy. We've had the patio slabs up in an attempt to clear a blocked drain and the patio is now covered in our clay soil. Suzy has decided that rolling in the clay is great fun and we now have a brown cat. What's the betting she decides to clean up on the bed once I've gone to work?

Finished painting

We've finished painting the room now. All the gloss is done too on the window and skirting boards. Just need to measure the floor for a new carpet and get some curtains. I need to start doing my wall decorating soon. Think that'll start when I finish work in two weeks. We're really pleased with the room, apart from the fact that the rest of the house now looks awful. Will have to give it all a lick of paint within the year I think.

PS. Frogspawn coming on well, lots of little baby tadpoles swimming about now. Will put a picture up when they get slightly bigger.

Sunday 11 March 2007


We finally found some frogspawn yesterday. Well I say some, it was actually a huge amount. We just took two scoops to watch at home. I've got it in a huge old glass Roses jar. Some of them have started swimming about already. Once they've all started spawning I'll put them outside in a big bucket of rainwater. Will add more tadpole blog pictures as they develop. Dont think you're ever too old to like watching frogspawn!

Saturday 10 March 2007

Starting the Decorating

Here are two pictures of our first day painting the baby room. I did do some of the rollering to begin but it was mutually decided that I was pants at it so Rob did most of the painting. I just went around behind him with a paint brush and did the corners and difficult bits. I also did the door actually, so I do have a use, as well as paying for all the paint! I've put a picture of Rob rollering the first bit of paint on and one of the first coat on the walls. We've chosen a beige base colour as it will be a good colour to paint woodland things onto.

Friday 9 March 2007

Hospital Appointment

Had to go into the antenatal unit today for a check and to be put on the baby monitor. Nothing really to worry about, but if you have a change in movements you have to go. Everything seems fine anyway and to make it all better we got a free scan photo of the baby's face. So this is the baby at 33wks.

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Baby update...about time Bethan, getting slack with the blog!!

Had another midwife appointment today. We wrote my birth plan, which a few have told me is the plan of your ideal birth and therefore, often the opposite of what actually happens! We discussed all the gory details like pain relief, birthing positions and such like. Think Rob may have been slightly disturbed by her demonstration of breast feeding using a 1970 Pink Panther toy. It was the only toy we could find big enough for the purpose! The pictures today are of the poor Pink Panther in question after his ordeal and me today at 33 weeks. I'm on penicillin at the moment for a throat infection and swollen glands and have been told by my GP to have the week off work, what a shame!! Being poorly I hope covers me for looking so shocking in this picture. One more thing, I've finally had to move exclusively to maternity trousers as even my widest jeans are now too tight. Not bad though making it to 33 weeks in my own jeans!