Sunday 28 September 2008

Great weekend in Bedford

We've spent the weekend in Bedford for my bezzie mate Kate's 30th birthday celebrations. Had a great time and Caiden loved his trip to feed the ducks and his first outing to an adventure playground. We had dinner at Kate's with Brett and her Ma on Friday night and then on Saturday we went out in the evening with lots of others to a pizza place and then to a pub. Lots of fun and no hangover, just a throat infection, which is great right before my first full wek of teaching since July! I've put on some pictures from the night out, one of us on Friday evening having dinner and Caiden feeding the ducks.
I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow as the planning is very confusing. Hope all goes well, will report back next weekend.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

General update

Just to apologise in advance for lack of blog shorty as I will be working all next week at a school in Newcastle. I asked for an application for a job there and the head rang me and asked me to visit on Tuesday. To cut a long story short he said after about 1/2h of walking around and chatting that he'd like me to do a demo lesson for him with the class tomorrow and then work all week next week on supply to cover. Sounds good to me, foot in the door for the full time job. Very nervous as there are 32 children in the class, aagh!! I will update how it goes hopefully before weekend, but will probably not blog next week. I'm doing a lesson using the Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo, a great book, if you've not read it, do. Wish me luck! I've been up to the woods again today, but had no papoose so Caiden had to walk. As you can see my shoulders took the brunt of his laziness! Here he is giving his other best friend (Suzy being fave) a love!

Sunday 21 September 2008

Very sunny Sunday.

We've had quite a busy day today. We had a Sunday lunch at Chez Mortimer with Neville family too. We've met Rhianna for the first time. Can't believe how tiny she is. More unbelievable, is how Caiden was 1lb lighter at this stage so would have been even tinier! Cant imagine it now, especially when he's rolling on the floor having a tantrum. I've just been for a walk with Anna and Derrick and pooches and we found some HUGE puff ball fungi. I've put a picture of them and one of Liam and his new sister.

Saturday 20 September 2008

Sunny woodland walk........again

Just been for a long walk in the woods with Rob, Anna, Derrick, Kie, Matt and four dogs. It's still beautiful weather. Maybe we should have bbq? Mmmm, good thinking Bethan. Anyway here is a picture from today. Enjoy the sun while it lasts everyone.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Is it me, or has the sun been out?

Been up to the woods today for a very long walk with the doggy and Caiden in his papoose. I think Myfanwy was in her element what with running around after squirrels for over an hour..

Wednesday 17 September 2008

A better picture of the new arrival

Here is Rhianna Louise last night. Also here is Caiden in his new Thomas the Tank waterproof to go with the wellies. Got these things on ebay to ensure he's properly dressed for our British weather, and like clockwork, the sun comes out! Not complaining thought, it's a beautiful cold, sunny morning here. It may not last though as I plan to put a load of washing outside, which nearly always spells disaster for good weather!

Welcome Baby Rhianna and Caiden has his first wellies!

Here is our first picture of Ginnie with baby Rhianna born this evening and weighing 6lb 13oz. Congratulations to them all and hopefully we'll see them tomorrow and have another picture.
Also we've just been to the woods as Caiden has his first pair of wellies and has tried them out in the mud.

Monday 15 September 2008

Busy, but fun weekend in Cardiff

We came back from Cardiff last night after a great birthday bash for Alex and Jacquie's birthdays. We all went out to a club and had our own room and karaoke booth. It was a great night, but I (and most others I might add) had far too much to drink and it was headaches all round in the morning. Usually the sign of a great night though! I've never been to Cardiff before and I'd like to go again and have a proper look around.
Caiden spent the weekend with Nain and Taid at ours and seemed to behave himself. They all went to Nana and Grandad's for a Sunday dinner and thankfully saved us some!
Just put a picture of me with Jacquie, Jennifer and Alex , one of Rob with Jennifer and her fiancee Ali and one of Caiden after he stuck his Iggle Piggle stickers to his face.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Caiden loves his pooch!

Here's Caiden this morning with Myfanwy who loves getting fuss. She lies on her back and Caiden obliges with a good pat.

Sunday 7 September 2008

Busy, but very wet weekend

Bloody hell it's rained! But if you're in the UK you'll know that. The woods are completely waterlogged, my Merrel trainers are soaked and now a lovely shade of brown.
It was Caiden's cousin Liam's 3rd birthday party on Saturday so we all went along with Kie and Matt too. Caiden loves party food and monstered his way through several sandwiches and cakes.
Rob and I tidied up the bottom the the drive and scraped up the weeds and soil from our section of the pavement. We lugged all this stuff into our council compost bin only to discover after that it says 'no soil' on the top. Bloody small print!
I didn't take any pictures at the birthday party, but here's one of Caiden and me in the woods before all the rain came on Thursday. I look a bit manic I know, difficult taking pictures of yourself with a mobile phone!

Friday 5 September 2008

Buy your own!

I'm very glad I didn't have a drink of juice in the dark night!

Wednesday 3 September 2008

'shroom madness in the woods

Just taken Myfanwy to the woods again and there were so many toadstools. Took some pictures of them. The one with Myfanwy doesn't do it justice, it is huge! It was very boggy there today and will get worse as heavy rain approaches again! Boo hiss!

Monday 1 September 2008

Caiden is wlking unaided!

Here's Caiden at 16 months taking some steps on his own. He's quite confident, a bit too confident sometimes!