Monday 15 September 2008

Busy, but fun weekend in Cardiff

We came back from Cardiff last night after a great birthday bash for Alex and Jacquie's birthdays. We all went out to a club and had our own room and karaoke booth. It was a great night, but I (and most others I might add) had far too much to drink and it was headaches all round in the morning. Usually the sign of a great night though! I've never been to Cardiff before and I'd like to go again and have a proper look around.
Caiden spent the weekend with Nain and Taid at ours and seemed to behave himself. They all went to Nana and Grandad's for a Sunday dinner and thankfully saved us some!
Just put a picture of me with Jacquie, Jennifer and Alex , one of Rob with Jennifer and her fiancee Ali and one of Caiden after he stuck his Iggle Piggle stickers to his face.

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