Sunday 19 October 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Sickly

Mixed news this week. As some of you know, I managed after just over five years of being qualified to get a teaching post off my own back! According to the head, I did 'brilliantly' which did temporarily make my head to big to fit though the door! Anyway, it's great news, I start in January at a school in Tunstall.
The bad news, is Caiden has been poorly this weekend. His best effort was a temperature of 103.5 last night. Very impressive! He seems a bit better this evening and is currently snoozing in his cot, not on a sheet next to me like last night. No idea what's brought the fever on, he's been a bit snotty but nothing major.
On a lighter note, I did quite a bit of gardening today and pruned our apple trees for the first time in probably about 10 years. One of them always has an outrageous amount of fruit, so prior to their extreme shave, I collected a bucket of good apples. I've put a picture on of half the wind fall/rotten fruit, and I do mean half of it! The other pictures today are Caiden having lunch with cousin Liam on Friday and one of him dressing up by the washing basket with my pants around his neck! Silly Caiden!

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