Monday 27 October 2008

Ma is 60!

Hello blogfans. I've not got a huge amount of news this week. Caiden is fine and over his temperature session, but now Rob has 'man flu' so I'll probably have a cold by the end of the week. In Rob's defense, he's not too bad with colds and doesn't pretend to be dying, lying on the sofa sipping soup. We went up to Wales on Friday night for a meal for my Ma's 60th. We went with family friends Catrin and Wes. Caiden spent the night with Anna and Derrick and slept through for them, which is always good. The meal was lovely, I had venison on a slab of haggis, very yummy. Three had turbot and the Rob and my pa had lamb. I've put pictures on of our meals, the lamb is the one with Rob's fork infront. I've also put a picture on of Caiden that I took to put on the front of Ma's birthday card. Have a good week everyone, especially those on half term.

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