Sunday 23 November 2008

Truly rubbish weather again!

It has been thoroughly disgusting here today with wind, sleet, rain and general sogginess. I expect it's been a similar story with most blog fans (except Mr and Mrs Airey maybe!) The weather has meant another weekend of no gardening. Maybe I'll get an allotment by 2012.
Caiden has been demonstrating his skills at temper tantrums this week, his favorite locations seem to be anywhere with innocent members of the public nearby.
My parents came for the day on Wednesday and we managed to have two walks, one around the village and one in the woods, which Myfanwy was very pleased about.
On Saturday, my friend Rhianna came over and we went out for lunch. She took some pictures of Caiden and I've put two on today, one of Rhi with Caiden and one of Rob, Caiden and me.
Hope no one gets too wet this week. I'm going into my new school on Tuesday to chat to the teacher who's going to plan stuff. Happy Christmas shopping!

Sunday 16 November 2008

Brr, it's getting nippy!

We attempted today to get started on digging out the area for our allotment as the sun came out briefly. However, we have a small problem in the shape of an enormous root from a removed bush. If anyone has any brilliant ideas for removing said root, please feel free to share them with us, or even better, come and remove it. Caiden 'helped' a little with the gardening, mainly by grinding the nearly deceased wheelbarrow up and down the patio. Anyway, hopefully once this root has gone, we cane make a start of getting the ground ready to plant a few bits.
I made a loaf on Friday with my new loaf tin so it did look like bread. It was yummy, which is the main thing. The whole loaf was polished of in one sitting with breakfast on Saturday when Kieran and Matthew were here.
I'm doing a roast chicken this evening and Anna and Derrick are coming to join us. It's smelling good already, if I do say so myself.
I've put two pictures on from today of Caiden and Myfanwy on the patio and one of my most recent loaf.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Bonfire night and Caiden speaks!

We went to a bonfire show near the church down the road last night, which was ace. Really good fireworks and a huge bonfire. Caiden seemed to enjoy it too and was not as scared as we thought he'd be, even by the huge rockets.
Caiden has started saying his first words and in line with the recent credit crisis he's being pessimistic. He just constantly says 'oh dear' and I do mean constantly. If anything breaks or falls on the floor and as he realises that we like him saying it, he now enjoys breaking or throwing things on purpose just to be able to say 'oh dear'.
I've put a picture of the bonfire on today as well as one of Caiden with one of my recent loaves. They're getting better every time. That will curse them! The picture of the loaf by itself is the most recent and the best by far!

Sunday 2 November 2008

Biberty Boberty Boo!

Well I hope everyone had a good Halloween. We had a great night with a curry, fine wine and good company.
Caiden is now turning into a little tyke what with hitting people in the face and general naughtiness. I have now made my third home made loaf of bread, the most recent being very impressive. Today has been a very culinary day what with the loaf and home made pumpkin soup made from our huge lantern. The house certainly smells nice. Caiden loves the fresh bread and seems rather keen on soup too.
Pictures today are the lanterns lit on Halloween, my loaf, Caiden being naughty, pulling all my books off the shelf and caiden with the huge pumpkin from the farm shop.