Sunday 16 November 2008

Brr, it's getting nippy!

We attempted today to get started on digging out the area for our allotment as the sun came out briefly. However, we have a small problem in the shape of an enormous root from a removed bush. If anyone has any brilliant ideas for removing said root, please feel free to share them with us, or even better, come and remove it. Caiden 'helped' a little with the gardening, mainly by grinding the nearly deceased wheelbarrow up and down the patio. Anyway, hopefully once this root has gone, we cane make a start of getting the ground ready to plant a few bits.
I made a loaf on Friday with my new loaf tin so it did look like bread. It was yummy, which is the main thing. The whole loaf was polished of in one sitting with breakfast on Saturday when Kieran and Matthew were here.
I'm doing a roast chicken this evening and Anna and Derrick are coming to join us. It's smelling good already, if I do say so myself.
I've put two pictures on from today of Caiden and Myfanwy on the patio and one of my most recent loaf.

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