Sunday 9 November 2008

Bonfire night and Caiden speaks!

We went to a bonfire show near the church down the road last night, which was ace. Really good fireworks and a huge bonfire. Caiden seemed to enjoy it too and was not as scared as we thought he'd be, even by the huge rockets.
Caiden has started saying his first words and in line with the recent credit crisis he's being pessimistic. He just constantly says 'oh dear' and I do mean constantly. If anything breaks or falls on the floor and as he realises that we like him saying it, he now enjoys breaking or throwing things on purpose just to be able to say 'oh dear'.
I've put a picture of the bonfire on today as well as one of Caiden with one of my recent loaves. They're getting better every time. That will curse them! The picture of the loaf by itself is the most recent and the best by far!

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