Sunday 23 November 2008

Truly rubbish weather again!

It has been thoroughly disgusting here today with wind, sleet, rain and general sogginess. I expect it's been a similar story with most blog fans (except Mr and Mrs Airey maybe!) The weather has meant another weekend of no gardening. Maybe I'll get an allotment by 2012.
Caiden has been demonstrating his skills at temper tantrums this week, his favorite locations seem to be anywhere with innocent members of the public nearby.
My parents came for the day on Wednesday and we managed to have two walks, one around the village and one in the woods, which Myfanwy was very pleased about.
On Saturday, my friend Rhianna came over and we went out for lunch. She took some pictures of Caiden and I've put two on today, one of Rhi with Caiden and one of Rob, Caiden and me.
Hope no one gets too wet this week. I'm going into my new school on Tuesday to chat to the teacher who's going to plan stuff. Happy Christmas shopping!

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