Thursday 29 November 2007

I Have You in My Sights!

Thought I'd put this picture on I took last night of Caiden eying up the poor cat. I think the fact that the red eye reduction didn't work makes it better. I've also put one on of him having his lunch after a 3h power nap. He'd been feeling very poorly and had woken up with a very sore throat. He wouldn't eat his breakfast, so I gave him his milk and a dose of Calpol. He went out like a light and stayed asleep until I got him up for lunch. He was then chirpy all day. I took him to a pet shop just to look at the animals. He was fascinated by the rabbits. Don't worry Mum and Dad not going to buy another Louie, just yet. May get him a little fish tank though for his room after Crimbo.
The mink is presumed dead as Kanoute has moved out again, he just turns up once a day for lunch. Think we have quite a quiet weekend ahead really. I'm feeling quite smug as I've bought and wrapped nearly all our Christmas gifts. Think I've got one or two little things left to get now. Have a good weekend.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Serbian Meal

I've decided that each Monday when we have our 'random country' night with Anna and Derrick that I should take a picture for the blog. Last night we had Serbian home made sausages, made with beef and lamb and various spices served in pittas with a traditional Serbian salad. It was very yummy.

Monday 26 November 2007

Finally got on the blog

I've been trying to blog for a week nearly and the page just said 'connection interrupted'. Cheeky t'internet. Anyhoo, been quite bust recently. We had some family portraits done this weekend which had been a birthday present for Anna. One thing I forgot to put on the last blog was that we'd had a visitor in the garden, a mink. I've put a picture of it on. A mate of ours also saw it in his garden on Sunday and shot it. Quite glad as they are very dangerous. Other animal news, Kanoute has moved in and even has his own bed in the kitchen, I've put a picture of that on too. The only thing with Kanoute is that he's not been in for a few days as we had a roof man here mending the gutters and he had a cable through the cat flap. Kanoute scarpered and has not been back as the cable jammed the cat flap. This also had the down side of Suzy not being able to get out and subsequently doing a poo in the bath. Clever puss though doing it in the bath and not on the bed or carpet. 10 out of 10 for initiative! Caiden is well and is now 7 months old. He's being very experimental with his food and is still sleeping well through the night. I've also put a picture of him on from the other day eating his favourite brekkie, Weetabix with banana and milk. Hope everyone is well.xx

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Baby Cage

Here's Caiden in his early Christmas prezzie from my folks. A play pen come fire guard, it's great and lets him see out much better than the travel cot he'd been playing in before.
We've not been up to a huge amount since the last blog, just general business and some Christmas shopping. had a productive shop in Hanley on Saturday and managed to buy most of our prezzies and I've wrapped them. Highly organised me! Well with some things more than others, usually the least important.
On Monday we had our weekly 'random country meal night' with Anna and Derrick. We pick a country out of the 'hat' and I cook up a traditional meal each Monday. We had Holland this week and next week it's Serbia. Should be fun. Not to optimistic about Guam!

Monday 12 November 2007

Busy Weekend

Rob and myself went to a wedding this weekend, his mate Craig and his girlfriend (now wife) Jess. It was a lovely day, despite the freezing weather and rain. It was all indoors inside Crewe Hall, which would be a much prettier building had the Victorians not got their hands on it. If you've been you'll know what I mean. Caiden spent the day and night with Anna and Derrick and apart from a late night he behaved and slept though for them, well done Caiden. Like I mentioned briefly before, he's now started crawling, well sort of shuffling. He can really get about at an alarming rate. He's also had a lovely cold kindly donated by his cousin Liam. So snot and grumping all round. I've put a picture on today of the happy couple Craig and Jess and one of Rob and me.

Friday 9 November 2007

Quickie Bloggie

He's crawling! - cue film suspense music

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Close Encounters of the Feline Kind

Here's Caiden this evening having a nose to nose with Suzy who was at the time to trying convince anyone who she could find that she was suffering from the debilitating feline illness of 'empty bowl syndrome' Caiden of course was unable to assist. On the weening front, he's now having slightly lumpier food now. We sometimes have coughing issues and retching but overall he's doing well. I discovered that he loves pesto sauce and also Nutella when he stuck his hand in my toast this morning. He certainly liked the outcome when sucking his fingers afterwards. We're off to a wedding on Saturday of one of Rob's mates. I hadn't got anything to wear for a wedding so I had to pop to the life saver of all skint people Tesco and buy a little black dress, which is actually lovely and will do for lots of things. Will post pictures after the weekend. Caiden will be spending Saturday and overnight at his Nana and Grandad's around the corner, hopefully he'll behave again and his nasty cold will have gone. Happy Christmas shopping to you all!!

Friday 2 November 2007

Feeding himself, sort of

Here's Caiden this morning feeding himself with his handled bottle. He was quite good but did get a bit lazy from time to time and then threw it on the floor. But it's a start.