Tuesday 6 November 2007

Close Encounters of the Feline Kind

Here's Caiden this evening having a nose to nose with Suzy who was at the time to trying convince anyone who she could find that she was suffering from the debilitating feline illness of 'empty bowl syndrome' Caiden of course was unable to assist. On the weening front, he's now having slightly lumpier food now. We sometimes have coughing issues and retching but overall he's doing well. I discovered that he loves pesto sauce and also Nutella when he stuck his hand in my toast this morning. He certainly liked the outcome when sucking his fingers afterwards. We're off to a wedding on Saturday of one of Rob's mates. I hadn't got anything to wear for a wedding so I had to pop to the life saver of all skint people Tesco and buy a little black dress, which is actually lovely and will do for lots of things. Will post pictures after the weekend. Caiden will be spending Saturday and overnight at his Nana and Grandad's around the corner, hopefully he'll behave again and his nasty cold will have gone. Happy Christmas shopping to you all!!

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