Thursday 29 November 2007

I Have You in My Sights!

Thought I'd put this picture on I took last night of Caiden eying up the poor cat. I think the fact that the red eye reduction didn't work makes it better. I've also put one on of him having his lunch after a 3h power nap. He'd been feeling very poorly and had woken up with a very sore throat. He wouldn't eat his breakfast, so I gave him his milk and a dose of Calpol. He went out like a light and stayed asleep until I got him up for lunch. He was then chirpy all day. I took him to a pet shop just to look at the animals. He was fascinated by the rabbits. Don't worry Mum and Dad not going to buy another Louie, just yet. May get him a little fish tank though for his room after Crimbo.
The mink is presumed dead as Kanoute has moved out again, he just turns up once a day for lunch. Think we have quite a quiet weekend ahead really. I'm feeling quite smug as I've bought and wrapped nearly all our Christmas gifts. Think I've got one or two little things left to get now. Have a good weekend.

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