Monday 26 November 2007

Finally got on the blog

I've been trying to blog for a week nearly and the page just said 'connection interrupted'. Cheeky t'internet. Anyhoo, been quite bust recently. We had some family portraits done this weekend which had been a birthday present for Anna. One thing I forgot to put on the last blog was that we'd had a visitor in the garden, a mink. I've put a picture of it on. A mate of ours also saw it in his garden on Sunday and shot it. Quite glad as they are very dangerous. Other animal news, Kanoute has moved in and even has his own bed in the kitchen, I've put a picture of that on too. The only thing with Kanoute is that he's not been in for a few days as we had a roof man here mending the gutters and he had a cable through the cat flap. Kanoute scarpered and has not been back as the cable jammed the cat flap. This also had the down side of Suzy not being able to get out and subsequently doing a poo in the bath. Clever puss though doing it in the bath and not on the bed or carpet. 10 out of 10 for initiative! Caiden is well and is now 7 months old. He's being very experimental with his food and is still sleeping well through the night. I've also put a picture of him on from the other day eating his favourite brekkie, Weetabix with banana and milk. Hope everyone is well.xx

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